Reliable Insights and Actions

From Customer, Product, and Market Data


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Each Roia Sparkle solves a specific task

Painpoint Tracker Sparkle

Track the main painpoints of your users from reviews, support tickets, etc. over time. Visualize the issues you have resolved or need to be prioritized next.

User Insights Sparkle

Extract the key information from transcripts of interviews, YouTube videos, social media, etc.

Competitive Analysis Sparkle

This Sparkle searches through the internet and creates a complete report of competitors.

User Insights
Pain Point Tracker
Competitive Analysis

Our Team

Steven Mih

Steven Mih


Fmr. Cofounder/CEO Ahana/IBM

Afshin Nikzad

Afshin Nikzad


professor @USC (on leave)

Nilou Salehi

Nilou Salehi


professor @Berkeley (on leave)
advisory board for genAI at Nvidia